Friday, November 26, 2010

Say What?!

I'm experiencing more and more every day the truth that "kids say the darndest things."  I've not documented enough of the hilarious things that I've heard come out of Isaac's almost-three-year-old mouth.  So I'm starting today a new series of blog posts that will from here on out fall under the "Say What?!" label.  Not to mention, Ella is only 6 and a half months old and has already uttered her name and "kitty" (which was Isaac's first word at 6 months old, too!)  Anyway, without writing them down I'll forget these moments much too soon, and so... here we are.
Isaac has recently become an expert navigating his way to some computer game sites.  This afternoon he was playing some Sesame Street games on  He got to Cookie Monster's "Color Me Hungry" where Grover asks that you help Cookie Monster match certain fruits and vegetables with the box they belong in based on what color they are.  He proceeds to tell you some facts about the foods as they are correctly matched.  This is the dialogue that took place after Isaac correctly matched the honeydew to the green box...

Grover: What a wonderful melon! It helps you grow and it is good for your blood and for your digestion. Not only that, but it is sweet and delicious.
Isaac: Yeah, and it's good for diarrhea, too.

Haha! Say What?!

As an encore, this evening Isaac asked me if I wanted to play in his room....

Me: Sure, but I've got to pee first... I'll be there in a minute.
Isaac (opening the door while I'm "midstream"): Good job, daddy... Tell me when you're done and I'll wipe you.
Me: Uh, I'm good.

Haha! Say What?!

Today's Good Read: Psalm 8:2