Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Deciding "Who" Instead of "What"

I was recently involved in a short thread on Facebook that ultimately lead to the ever-debated question (if I may paraphrase) of, "What religion is 'right'?"  As many continue to work this out in their own way, I just wanted to offer the following transcription from a sermon given by Bruxy Cavey of The Meeting House almost 5 years ago that I think describes a great way of reformatting this question in a way that may help some find what I also believe to be the right place to land.
Why am I typing this out?  So you can read it and process it, and because it's good stuff and helps me to digest and learn things better.  Will you make a "faith decision" based on this?  Probably not.  Should you?  No.  Are all world views represented?  No.  But it's a great principle to consider as you work through your questions.  And obviously Bruxy is a Christian.  He is here describing one process he clearly went through on his journey to become a Christ follower.  If you'd like to listen to the audio, which I also recommend, click HERE and scroll down to the 2007 sermon series entitled "Cruciformity" (from April 2007) and listen to the first sermon in the series.  What I've transcribed below picks up about 28 minutes into the sermon.  So in Bruxy's words...

"Let me just talk to those of you who are maybe at the starting point in all of this and saying, 'Alright you're talking about fully giving my life over to following the way of Jesus... becoming a disciple of Jesus.  I don't even know if Jesus is the guy I want to follow, like, I'm just checking things out... why Jesus?'
"Maybe that's where you are or maybe that's where some of your friends are at, and that's one of those questions they raise for you.  Often people will raise that question in the form of 'Why the Christian religion versus other religions?...What makes Christianity true and all other religions false?!'  A commonly asked question.  When people ask you that question, one of the ways I think you can and should respond is to help re-orient the focus of the question.  [I was] just having a conversation with someone this week who's attending [The Meeting House], probably here this morning, and we had a great conversation...someone who is not committed to Christ, but is attending regularly to investigate, and asks that great question, 'What makes Christianity true and not other religions?'  And what I was able to say to her as we kind of fleshed this out was to say, 'Actually nothing makes Christianity true... nothing makes it better than any other's not better than any other religion.  Let's list all the religions that are out there and then clear the deck (whoosh!)...  Let's get 'em out of the way.  Let's not play the game of "Christianity's Better Than Any Other Religion" because it really isn't.  It has a lousy track record. Who want's that?
"So we clear the deck and then flesh the question out a little, say, 'Let's dig a little deeper with the question itself.'  Instead of asking the question, 'What makes Christianity better than 'any other religion?'' let's say why Jesus, as opposed to the founder or prophet or revealer of 'any other religion?'  Because we're talking about the genesis of every world view or of every faith.  Now, as you can see this in your notes (see image below), my suggestion is that we stop trying to decide which religion to follow, but instead which founder or leader or revealer of truth is worthy of your allegiance.

"So, we look at Moses --- wonderful lawgiver, brings structure for a people.  But even embedded within the story of Moses is the promise that this is incomplete.  Deuteronomy 18 has the promise that another prophet that's similar, but different, to Moses is still needed to come --- another revealer of truth is still needed to come, who will flesh this out more [and] take it to the next level.  And then throughout the rest of the Old Testament, especially in Isaiah and Jeremiah and Ezekiel, are prophecies of that one who is coming who will lead us into the fulfillment of the Torah that Moses brought; [lead us] into the new covenant.  Moses is great... just incomplete.  And that's what the Old Testament itself says.

"When we look instead of Hinduism, we look at Krishna --- now, it's hard to pin down any one particular founder for Hinduism, but Krishna would be top of the list if you had to pick one.  Krishna is that manifestation of the divine who appears to Arjuna --- Arjuna is a warrior and he's about to go into battle, and as Arjuna is about to go into battle he notices the tribe they're gonna fight against contains some of his family members... some of his cousins and uncles are facing him on the battlefield.  And he walks away and he says, 'I can't kill my own family just because our clans have decided to go to war.'  And Krishna appears to him and teaches him the way of dharma, teaches him the way of karma, and of castes, and says, 'Arjuna, you have been born into the warrior caste.  This is your calling.  This is what you must do.  It's your dharma.  You are not called to think it through.  You are not called to be personal in this, there's nothing personal.  This is your destiny.  This is what you were born to do, because you were born into this caste.  And so what you must learn is an emotional detachment from what is your destiny.  Now go and kill.  Kill your family, kill the clan.  It's what you're called to do.'
"And I say no!  I cannot follow the way of Krishna.  I cannot follow this commitment to the separation of personal responsibility.  It has led to sooo much suffering through the caste system around the world.  So I say 'No' to Krishna.  I know many wonderful Hindus.  They're wonderful, I would say, in spite of --- not because of --- the teaching of Krishna.

"Mohammed --- I think a step up from Krishna. That's not saying much.  Mohammed --- fierce monotheism.  Some great teaching, but Mohammed still leaves the door open to violence as a methodology to advance an earthly cause.  Mohammed on a couple of occasions leads preemptive strikes --- leads preemptive warfare against those who he perceives may be a threat to his people.  And it leaves the door open for that theology that says, 'You can launch an attack against someone you perceive to be an enemy and call it self-defense.'  And I say, 'No... I'm sorry Mohammed, you have not modeled for me a way of peace and reconciliation that obviously this world needs.'

"We look at the Buddha... [Bruxy reflects on his somewhat Buddha-esque body type and quietly repeats...] We look at the Buddha.  I like the Buddha!  He's a happy guy!  But a couple of problems... first of all, we just don't know if he even existed. The earliest --- as I've said before --- the earliest historical records we have of anyone called the Buddha or anyone that points back to [him] were written 500 years after... [interrupting himself]... the first documents we have written about the Buddha are written around the first century --- about the same time as our gospels are written about Jesus.  Except our gospels are written just a few decades after the fact. Buddha lived about 500 years earlier, yet the first written records we have are written about the same time as our New Testament.  And so after 500 years we just don't know if there actually was a person, or it's not just historically as valid as something written within decades of the actual events.  Even if there was a historical person, what the writings about the Buddha teach is that he also practiced a kind of --- now, he rejected the way of warfare (of Krishna), thankfully --- but he still isolated himself from relationship to say it is about personal pursuit of enlightenment.  So [much so] that he, for years, left his wife and newborn son in order to pursue personal enlightenment.  Finally obtained it, which is wonderful, but that isolationist mentality of detachment from all things, including family relationships, is again something that I don't think -- if practiced with passion --- makes this world a better place to live.
Bruxy Cavey

"When you compare the founders of faith... Jesus shines.  As one who comes to teach the radical love of God --- that the universe, the ultimate force behind everything that is... is love... and is bent towards you, passionately committed to who you are, wanting to engage you relationally.  And along with that comes, through Christ, a very passionate challenge to any religious systemitization of this relationship, any religious hypocrisy.  He comes and he invites people into that personal connection with the divine.  Rather than just comparing religions, compare people, and see God revealed in Christ.  Uniquely attractive.
"And so the apostle Paul says this... in Galatians 4:19, 'My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you...'  [Bruxy then paraphrases...] [Paul] says, 'You're children, and I feel like I'm also (along with the Holy Spirit) in the pains of childbirth because I want to see Christ fully formed in you.'  He uses an embryonic analogy --- 'Jesus is in you, in embryo form, and I want him to develop and grow inside you!  I want his heart, his mind, his attitude, his presence to not just be an embryonic form, but to fully develop inside you.'  

"This is my heart.  It's not just mechanically following a guy from 2000 years ago; but having an ongoing internal communion and connection with him.  This is Paul's prayer for those Christians he was mentoring, that he was discipling, and it's my prayer for us as a community." ~ Bruxy Cavey

Pretty good stuff, I'd say.  Hope you found reading this (or listening to it) was worth your while.  God bless you as you seek truth.  I believe it's in Jesus.

"I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the father except through me."

~ Jesus of Nazareth   |   John 14:6 ~

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tweet from a World Champ Cardinal

So being the dork that I am sometimes, I requested a "Happy Birthday" tweet from the four Cardinals players that I follow on Twitter (not religiously, mind you).  I made my requests late in the afternoon on my birthday this past Friday (11/11/11) to David Freese, Daniel Descalso, Jon Jay and Edwin Jackson.  To my surprise, three days later I hear from my man Edwin Jackson...

If you haven't heard of him, it's cool, you just don't follow baseball.  But this guy HAS thrown a No-Hitter on the Major League level, and if you've got one of those to your name, you're pretty darn good.

Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool of him!  Thanks again for taking the time, Edwin!

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.  Rather, in humility value others above yourselves."

~ Philippians 2:3 ~

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Cross and the St. Louis Cardinals

by Jonathan Parnell  |  November 3, 2011

What does Jonathan Edwards have to do with baseball? It relates to how he saw the world. The technical term is typology — the mechanism of his God-entranced vision of all things. He explains,
God does purposely make and order one thing to be in agreeableness and harmony with another. And if so, why should not we suppose that he makes the inferior in imitation of the superior, the material of the spiritual, on purpose to have a resemblance and shadow of them? We see that even in the material world God makes one part of it strangely to agree with another; and why it is not reasonable to suppose he makes the whole as a shadow of the spiritual world? . . . ("Images of Diving Things," A Jonathan Edwards Reader, [New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995], 16).
Edwards saw it in the experience of walking down a hill, in the diet of ravens, and in the life of silkworms. And sports fans just saw it in the 2011 World Series.

The World Series, Really?

What made this Series so great wasn’t the mere fact that I love the St. Louis Cardinals and they won. It was the whole manner of how it happened. It's the fact that the Cardinals were trailing 10.5 games on August 25. They had no chance of making the playoffs, it seemed. It was the time to start looking at next year—the time when the "maybe-next-season" wishes are reluctantly announced.
But then they started winning. Their late-season success allowed them to slip into the playoffs on the final game of the season. That was amazing enough. Then they beat the league-best Phillies. Then the potent Brewers. And then there they were—like out of no where—in the World Series.
Learning from Edwards, let’s keep tracking the "agreeableness and harmony" that goes much deeper than America’s pastime. The Cardinals were the underdog, if there ever were one. They shouldn't even be in the playoffs, not to mention in the World Series competing against the repeat American League champion Texas Rangers. Every commentator wrote them off — "it was nice they made it this far, but they just aren’t championship caliber."

Weakness Exposed

When Texas won two in a row to take a 3-2 series lead, we expected that the Cards would finally fold. And during Game 6, when they came down to two outs and two strikes away from losing — twice! — hopes were dashed for Cardinal Nation. The consoling began, remembering the season really should have ended in September, that they really didn't have a World Series-quality team, that it's time again to start the "maybe next season" concessions.
The team’s weakness at last was seen as weakness, and the dream of winning the World Series was confronted with the reality that things really don't happen this way. It was like a Friday afternoon wake-up call from Golgotha.
But wait a minute. Isn’t this the way all the best stories go? Cue Edwards.
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the foal of a donkey, but it could have been a stallion leading an unbeatable legion of Jewish revolutionaries. He could have been taller, a handsome king that looked more like a Disney prince instead of a Galilean peasant. There could have been no agony, no cross, no tomb. There could have been, but there wasn’t.

When Hope Seems Lost

And this was God’s design — in his universe, there is more beauty when victory rises out of weakness. The morning shines brighter after a tumultuousness night. The glory is greater at the end of three silent days, when the Lamb has been slain, when all hope seems lost.
That’s where this World Series was pointing. Game 6 made this clear. The Cardinals were finished. It was over. Over. Well, over until David Freese's two-run triple in the bottom of the 9th, then Berkman's RBI single in the 10th, then Freese's walk-off homer in the 11th. Almost too good to be true. Like an out-of-breath Mary flinging open the disciples’ door to announce an empty tomb. Then Game 7 came, and the Cards won that one, too. 
It was an unforgettable Series, one that reaches deep into the human soul, resonating with the imprint of our Creator and reminding us why the good stories are, well, so good.

Monday, October 10, 2011

INSANITY, Week 9 - The Results Are In!

I was pretty excited heading into this week for the sole reason that the insanity was almost over.  I was back on the morning routine track and I have to say that was the best way to go for me.  Trying to find the energy and motivation to do these workouts in the evenings was tough.  After working during the day and doing all that is required in the evenings when you have two little ones, working out was the last thing I wanted to be doing at 8 or 9 o'clock at night.  Anyway, I was glad to be getting up at 5am again.  Sounds funny (ridiculous really) I know, but I was rested, ready, and the workouts just started the day off right.
I kept my thoughts simple this week.  Here they are along with my final Fit Test results and a few pictures and analysis of my "transformation."

Day 57 - Max Interval Plyo - Have I mentioned that there ARE Level 3 Drills?!!  I remember posting somewhere previously, "Please God, don't let there be Level 3 Drills."  As Garth Brooks once sang, "Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers."  I'm afraid this wasn't one of those gifts.  16 push-ups, then stay in "plank" position and run/climb for a 16-count, then stand up, go back down and do another 16 push-ups and run/climb for another 16-count.  Best wishes.

Day 58 - Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs - I can almost keep up!  Come on, lungs!

Day 59 - Max Interval Circuit - Ok, I can't believe it took me two months to come up with this.  This workout totally reminded me of an episode of My Wife and Kids.  In the show, Michael Kyle (Damon Wayans) and his wife 'Jay' -- short for Janet (Tisha Campbell) -- run into an old friend (Terry Crews), who happens to run a gym, has enormous muscles, and clearly impresses Jay.  After some ribbing, Michael commits to hitting the gym for some Euro Training with their old friend...

Ha ha!! Love it.  Hey, does the Max Interval Circuit kick your butt for an hour? "IN-DEED."

Day 60 - Core Cardio & Balance - Yes, it says Day 60, but there are still three days left.  I'm not bitter.

Day 61 - Max Interval Plyo - Last day to do a million push-ups!  Who's with me?

Can you hand me my water, please?

Day 62 - Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs - Last workouts before my final Fit Test!

Day 63 - Fit Test #5 - Whew!  I had a hard time catching my breath during this one.  Obviously I didn't want my numbers to go down on my final test, so I was digging as deep as possible on every exercise.  I know by the end I had nothing left to give.  Oh, and I didn't realize until I was cropping this photo that the first exercise stated "2 kicks = 1 rep" so I typed in my proper Switch Kicks results.

Fit Test #5

And now, it's over...  Or has it just begun?!!  Who's up for Round 2?

I'm definitely in for another round in the near future.  And perhaps next time I'll do better along the diet front.  While I was not eating out-of-control, I'm pretty sure I wasn't eating the best fuel for this workout.  As I look at my transformation photos, I don't think I'd make a very good commercial for INSANITY.  My results do not appear dramatic.  However, I definitely FEEL a huge transformation, but you might agree it's hard to see in these photos.  Don't get me wrong... I'm not disappointed.  What I do see is better posture and much less muscle "sag."  I had a little muscle before but it all just seemed to be hanging on me... not very "toned."  I could flex and my muscles were soft.  Now, the meat on my bones is sitting up where it's supposed to be sitting up.  Everything is tightening up, and when I flex my muscles actually feel solid.  I think the biggest difference is in my quads, which was not on the "before and after photos" list, so I can't really show the difference here.  I did take some measurements on Day 1 also, so once I re-measure, I'll share those results as well.

Seems to have tightened up a bit.

Slight visual difference.  Definitely firmer.  Awkward flexing for a camera.

Rear view shows a little more definition in my back.

I added a trend line for this photo, which I think showed
the most obvious change.

Yes, I feel a little weird posting pictures of myself, even on my own personal blog, but I thought it would be dumb to blog about this entire experience and not show some results.  Anyway, INSANITY has been a great program for me.  I wanted something that didn't involve weights, would help me tone what muscle I had, and would improve my cardio.  It has strengthened my core incredibly from where I was 60 days ago, and I think the Fit Test results prove that.  It has also been instrumental in rekindling my desire to be in shape.  I want to be healthy.  I want to look good for my wife.  And as my kids get older, well, so do I.  I want to be able to keep up with them and enjoy them as long as possible.  So here's to the end of INSANITY and the beginning of a new chapter!

"It is finished."

~ Jesus ~
(John 19:30)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy 10th Anniversary!

I'd like to interrupt all my INSANITY blog posts for a special announcement.  An announcement more insane than any workout program...

As of today, Rebecca and I have been married TEN (10) years.  Now that's insane.

So, Rebecca, here's a little something to commemorate our time together.


10. Date Nights
These have been few and far between over the last 4 years (since having kids), but I have had so much fun experiencing life with you.  We've shared delicious dinners and we're always willing to try new places and foods when given the opportunity.  I actually enjoyed the trips to Five Guys while you were pregnant with Isaac, though I packed on a few pounds.  We've caught a few movies (actually in theaters!) over the years.  We've been to tons of concerts, many of which I would've never bought tickets to if not for you (I mean that in a good way).  We've gotten to a couple of ballgames (including the rain delayed game in Pittsburgh that we left too early only to find out the next morning that the Cardinals made an awesome comeback that we missed - Doh!).  We've seen a plethora of plays/productions/even musicals, and even experienced a hilarious Jerry Seinfeld stand-up routine.  You know there's more, but to the point... I really enjoy spending time with you.

9. The 2006 Playoffs and World Series
Let me preface this one by saying that this should really encompass all of the time we spend together in the comfort of our home, chilling on the couch, snuggling (until I get too hot), and watching the tube.  We have our TV shows we like to watch (House, Big Bang, early CSI, etc.), but in 2006 you watched all seventeen (17) Cardinals playoff games with me on our then-new high-def flat panel TV.  All of them.  I know you slept through a few innings, but you proved your fanhood that year and I remember how much fun we had watching those games en route to a World Series Championship.  It was one of those pre-children special moments to me.

8. Vacations Together
With or without our kids, we have had a blast and been so blessed to see a little bit of God's [and some of man's] creation.  The fun began in Kuaui, Hawaii on our honeymoon and has taken us to such places as Gatlinburg, Charleston-SC, San Diego, Hilton Head, Edisto Island, Asheville, Hershey, Pittsburgh, the Caribbean, beaches galore, and most recently, Savannah.  And while we had our "moments" during some trips... you know, spousal navigational disagreements, we managed to get everywhere we were going and enjoy ourselves.  And granted I have been quoted as saying, "Buying that Tom Tom GPS likely saved our marriage," road trips with my bestie are still the best.  I know... I can't quite attach myself to that new word either.

7. Making a Home Together
We bought our house in February 2002.  Ever since then, and perhaps even before then while renting a duplex, we really seemed to click when it came to making our house really feel like our house.  Our style, our taste, your research and our execution of ideas has really made our home the best place for us to start and end our days.  It's special to me that though we are so different when it comes to the things at which we excel, these home projects have always been something at which we've made a great team.  Well... that and making babies!  Woo hoo!

6. Free [Salon Quality] Haircuts!
Maybe some people wouldn't rank this higher than vacations together or making a home together, but while we were in a moment of comic relief, I thought this would be a good spot for this one.  You know I can't stand to be too serious for too long.  That being said, think of all the money I/we have saved in haircuts!  I mean, yeah, you work your fingers to the bone, but... just since we've been married, if I got my haircut once every six weeks (which is pretty conservative), and paid $20 per cut, that's... about 9 haircuts multiplied by ten years, multiplied by $20... that's $1800 we've saved in haircuts!  Not to mention the money we'll save on our kids' haircuts.  Oh, wait, we have a daughter.  Add colors, highlights, perms(?), and up-dos to that list.  I should also mention that the free shampoos afterwards are quite the icing on the cake.  You don't get that at the barber shop!

Salon chair or porch?  It's nice to have options.

5. Your Vocals
Boy, are you vocal! :-)  Sometimes to a fault.  But not when your singing.  Seriously, I m not sure I've ever expressed or expressed enough how your singing floored me from the start.  When you sing, and especially when you're singing to worship God, you touch my heart and so often lead me into a my own place of worship.  It's incredibly beautiful.  And although you hear it from others every time you sing, I wish I never grew tired of telling you that you needed to cut a CD.  We could be rich, I tell you...RICH!!  But who knows, if you made it big years ago, you might have dumped me for a sweeter piece of arm candy.  Instead, thankfully, you've let God lead, and I'm pretty sure he hasn't steered you wrong.  Really I just wanted a CD for keepsake/family heirloom purposes.  But wait!  Now, for the first time, you're in a band!  A band so new it doesn't even have a name yet.  I know how much you're enjoying it and that makes me super happy for you, and I get the feeling I might soon get that CD that I -- and many others -- have been waiting for.

Like I said... Gorgeous.

4. October 6, 2001

It was the first day of the rest of our lives.  It was awesome.  You were a gorgeous bride.  We shared a funny moment at the wick-less unity candle.  You sang Valentine to me at our reception.  And I heard the prime rib was delicious.  How did we not get to eat our dinner until we were on our way to Greensboro?  Cold chicken tenders and leftovers in a Styrofoam box for us.  But we were too excited to care.  That was a sweet day.  You've been a great wife ever since.  It had to be you.

Cue up Harry Connick, Jr.

2. The Sex!
I'm kidding.  I mean... I'm not kidding in the sense that "it" wouldn't make some uncensored Top 10 List, but that's not really my style.  If anyone else reading must know, we've only had coitus twice and it was for pro-creation purposes only.  True story.
Now... you may have noticed there's no number 3.  That is because there's a tie for the #2 spot.  On two perfect days over the last 4 years, you gave birth to my other two favorite people.

    2-a. Isaac James, born December 22, 2007.

    2-b. Ella Riley, born May 3, 2010.
Speaking of "the difficult part!" 

You are a wonderful mom.  You were a wonderful mom from the moment we found out these children were being woven in your belly.  And while you are all the things a fun-loving mom is supposed to be, I'm more proud that my children have a mother, who cares to do well the things that are the more difficult parts of being a parent.  You are prepared.  You are scheduled.  You are disciplined.  You're the bomb mom.  I see it, and I love you for it.

1. You Love Jesus
Completely.  That relationship is something that translates into so much more in our relationship.  And that truth continues to sustain our marriage.  Thank you for your commitment to Christ, for your faithfulness to me, and for your partnership in parenthood.

Happy Anniversary!

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..."

~ Ephesians 5:25 ~

Monday, October 3, 2011

INSANITY - Weeks 7 & 8 - No Rest For the Weary

Caught me slackin' on my blog posting again.  A couple of busy weeks have made it difficult enough to keep up with my INSANITY workouts, let alone keep up with my blogging.  Regardless, or IR-REGADDLESS for you northerners, I managed to stay on track for the most part over the last two weeks and I'm looking forward to the home stretch -- pun intended.  Here are some thoughts from the last two weeks...

Day 43 - Max Cardio Conditioning - I must be learning to breathe better.  Lord knows you need air to finish this DVD.  There are sooo many exercises crammed into 47 minutes, including Diamond Jumps (start in a squat, jump up, swing arms out and up over your head while basically clicking your heels together in mid-air underneath you), as well as another exercise I find just as brutal - the Push-up Abs (as you go down in your push-up, alternate bringing one knee out and forward to touch your elbow).  Hard. Core.

Day 44 - Max Interval Circuit - 3rd time through this one.  Felt like taunting again.  So today I taunted Anna.  Two times Shaun T asks her how she's feeling and she throws out these lame visuals, like "I feel like I'm on the playground again" and "I feel like I'm [expletive] climbing Mt. Everest!"  Whoa.  Where did that come from?  Then I realized that wasn't the only F-bomb she dropped during the workout.  Of course, they're censored on the video, but pretty obvious after you've been through the workout a few times.  And it's not that I'm offended, it's just annoying when it seems so forced and unnecessary... if it's ever "necessary."

Day 45 - Max Interval Plyo - Since I'm picking on people... today I chide Darren.  A gentleman short in stature with a strong build, yet terribly inflexible as Shaun T makes certain to point out as he goes and straightens Darren's limbs out during the first stretch.  I thought the guy's arm was going to snap off as he winces and replies, "It hurts a little," when Shaun T asks him, "How's that feel, Darren?"  But there's also a part late in the DVD that bugs me as Darren walks back from a quick water break and holds up his arm and four fingers.  Now, some of you know that this is simply an athlete gesturing something that means 'Hey, we play four quarters (or four periods), not 2, not 3, but 4.'  Kind of a "finish strong" mentality.  I get it.  I do.  For whatever reason, it seemed out of place to me.  Not motivating, just dumb.  Darren, your hard work motivates me.  You trying to be cool on the video does not.  Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

Day 46 - Max Recovery - Dilemma!  Traveling to Savannah today for the weekend to celebrate 10 years of marriage and enjoy time with my wife.  Couldn't get the workout in this morning, so I actually brought my INSANITY DVDs with me.  That in itself now seems insane.  After a 7-hour road trip and dinner in Savannah, I did my Max Recovery workout in the hotel room.  Commitment?  Yes.  Sweaty smelling hotel room?  Yes.  Sorry, honey.  Will I do my workout tomorrow?...

The Savannah River.  We stayed at the Hyatt back there on the left.

Day 47 - Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs - [Previously on McMahonhood...]... Will I do my workout tomorrow?... Uh, no.  Hadn't missed a day yet, but I can make it up.  My wife has been totally supportive of me getting back in shape, and I just felt I could sacrifice that time.  You really do get smelly and throw some sweat around doing these routines and I felt the need to spare her of all that again.  She's been really proud of my commitment, though.

Day 48 - Core Cardio & Balance - Okay, so I'll need to make up two days.  Vacations can be a workout killer.  I must say, though, I think we've gotten our share of exercise.  We must have walked 20 miles in Savannah this weekend.

Day 49 - Rest Day - WRONG.  Not today, Mister.  Had some catching up to do, so after a 7-hour road trip, I knocked out the Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs routines that I was supposed to on Day 47.  A rare headache didn't make this routine very fun.  Too much jumping - ugh!

Fit Test #4, Day 50.

Day 50 - Fit Test & Max Interval Circuit - So I rocked the fourth Fit Test during my lunch break today.  My results are improving (see picture) and I only have one more Fit Test scheduled... the day of reckoning.
Unfortunately, I planned to hit the Max Interval Circuit this evening, but got side-tracked by Monday Night Football (Redskins v. Cowboys!) and pennant race baseball (my Cardinals closing in on the final playoff spot in the National League) were both on.  My penalty?  The Redskins lost, the Cardinals lost, and I lost a make-up day.  Lose. Lose. Lose.  Ouch.

Day 51 - Max Interval Circuit - Caught this day up, and can see that it's going to be Hell trying to catch up on these intense routines.  Dig deeper!!!

Day 52 - Max Interval Plyo - Felt pretty good!  Maybe I was jacked about the 7-0 lead in the Cardinals game.  And I actually sacrificed watching the very end of the game to get my workout in tonight... My reward?  Cards win their game, Braves lose their game; therefore, the Cardinals take the Wild Card playoff spot!  Win. Win.  Woo hoo!

Day 53 - Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs - I love it when I realize my progress!  The Cardio Abs routine is a short one, so I can often remember my previous effort.  Taking fewer rests and be able to do more reps on each exercise is always a good sign!

Day 54 - Max Recovery - This routine starts out so sweet and innocent, but by the end my shoulders and quads are always on fire.

Day 55 - Max Interval Circuit - Cranked it out hard this morning.  Really feel like I want to go even harder heading into the final week.  To be honest though, I don't know how much harder I can go.  I guess that's a good thing!
And before I wrap up this day, can I just dog Jimmy for a minute?  Dude, maybe I'm wrong, but Ariel does not look interested.  My guess?  She saw you doing the high knees with twists exercise.  Just sayin.'

Day 56 - Rest Day - Wrong again! Core Cardio & Balance catch-up day!  Back on track, heading into the final week of INSANITY.  You may be realizing as I did at one point that... Hey, this isn't a 60-day program -- it's a 63-day program!  But then maybe you'll realize like I did that staying in shape is going to be a worthwhile life-long program, so who cares, right?

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?  Run in such a way as to get the prize."

~ 1 Corinthians 9:24 ~

Monday, September 19, 2011

INSANITY - Week 6 - It's a "Ho' Nuva Levol"

You might have noticed I skipped a Week 5 recap.  Week 5 was a scheduled "recovery week" during which I did 6 days of the Core Cardio & Balance DVD as the INSANITY calendar demanded.  Didn't have much to say about it.  It was a recovery workout, but certainly didn't let me off the hook.  It allowed me to recover, but was also preparing me for what was to come... INSANITY, LEVEL TWO.
Now, before continuing with this blog post you need to watch THIS VIDEO which will help you understand why I titled this blog post the way I did.  I wish I could embed the video in my blog, but that feature has been disabled by the video owner because he wants all the "views" on YouTube.  But whatever.  Check it out if you haven't seen it already.  Hilarious.  Enjoy.

"Oh, so it was a dock-a-mentary!"
Oh, Eugene Struthers... you are a funny dude.  So I share that with you to share this with you.  INSANITY, Level Two and Shaun T took it to a Ho... Nuva... Levol this past week.

Day 36 - Max Interval Circuit - On the first day of Level Two, you put in the Max Interval Circuit DVD and the first the thing Shaun T says is that he's "gonna kick your butt today" and he "ain't even playin'."  He was right.  We went from a month of 35-minute/42-minute workouts to a week of a 35-minute recovery workouts to 59 minutes of pure Hell on Day 36.

Day 37 - Max Interval Plyo - How many push-ups and how many different kinds of freakin' push-ups can you do and last 55 minutes?!

Day 38 - Max Cardio Conditioning - Can't... brea...the.  Seriously, cardio has never been my strong suit.
As a matter of fact, I'm not sure I have a strong suit.  I'll have to look in my closet.

Day 39 - Max Recovery - Manageable, but needed a mental recovery or kick in the pants more than anything.  Anybody know a Drill Sergeant?  I'm suddenly remembering a flood of disturbing quotes from Full Metal Jacket.

"Because you are a disgusting fat
body, Private Pyle!"
The second month DVDs/workouts are no joke.  The first time through them, they pounded me physically and destroyed me mentally.  I couldn't keep up.  I felt like I was missing some of the exercises because I was too tired to continue or even get back in after a short rest.  The sweat was blinding.  Swallowing or chugging Gatorade only meant I couldn't breath until it went down and that made recovering harder.  I really felt defeated and uncertain that I could maintain the effort I needed to put into this workout.
But as I began the second cycle of the four new DVDs, I just had to remind myself what I reminded my wife of, as Rebecca recently started Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 routine -- do as much as you can and go as hard as you can.  That's all you can do.  You will get better, faster, stronger each time.  I also reminded myself that I felt the same way during the first cycle of Month 1 DVDs.  Not knowing the routines can make a workout feel really hard, but once you've seen them and figure out how to pace yourself properly, you can breathe more efficiently and rest more efficiently.  And that seems like the key to getting through this second month for me.

Day 40 - Max Interval Circuit - Did better, pushed through, stayed mentally tough.

Day 41 - Max Interval Plyo - With my confidence intact, this day might be the hardest I've pushed myself.  Wow... tiring.

Day 42 - Rest Day - Go Redskins! 2-0, baby!

My body has already shown me how it can quickly adapt to a new routine, which still amazes me.  Getting started on a workout routine can be soooo hard, but it is incredible how our bodies learn and seem to crave it after such a short period of time (like a week!).  Ask Rebecca, I think she's getting the bug!
So I'm gonna keep pushing.  My head's in the right place now and there's no turning back.  3 more weeks left in this effort of transformation.  One day at a time, I will take it to a Ho'... Nuva... Levol!

"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

~ Romans 12:2 (NIV) ~

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

INSANITY, Week 4 - Thrash & Burn

My intended focus throughout Week 4 of INSANITY was to focus on really pushing hard through these workouts, knowing I had a "recovery" week of "Core Cardio & Balance" coming up (which I've obviously already started and I feel oh so recovered, let me tell you).  Anyway, I'm focused and I'm excited about getting results.  I know I need to make sure I'm eating a little better.  I'm burning a ton of calories, but I don't always eat the right ones.  I'm also learning how working out gives you more energy.  Everybody always says, "It'll give you more energy."  Honestly, I never understood how beating yourself down on a daily basis could possibly give you more energy.  But here's what clicked for me... The stronger I am, the easier everyday tasks are on my body; therefore, I exert less energy in the process of accomplishing those things.  So, if I may paraphrase, or re-word what everybody always says -- and yes, I may, because it's my blog -- I'd say that working out and getting stronger saves you more energy.  But I will definitely agree that eating right gives you more energy.  There you go... that's my deep thought for the week.  Here are a few other thoughts I had during my last week of phase 1...

Day 22 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs - I haven't talked about Cardio Abs much, but I've got to say that the last exercise is a little... je ne sais quoi (that's French for, "I don't know what.").  They call them Pulse Tucks.  I call them... "I'm glad no one can see in my basement window because I appear to be practicing missionary position thrusts."  There it is.  I said it.  Got it off my chest.  And well, hey, who couldn't use a little more practice?

High knees!  Get 'em up!!

Day 23 - Cardio Power & Resistance - Gotta love the last minute of this one.  Just when you think you're done you get 60 seconds of "Hop Squats" (squat position and bounce -- off the ground, not pulsing) and "Push-ups";  rotating 8 reps of each until the minute is done.  Feel free to fall over and begin thrashing around on the floor before the final stretch.

Day 24 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit - The Level 1 Drills aren't so bad.  You do four (4) push-ups, then from the plank push-up position you "run" for a four-count (keeping your butt down, mind you), then bring your feet under you and stand up.  Repeat until Shaun T moves on to the next exercise.  Now, as you know, I've done this a few times now, and all I can think about when he says, "Level 1 Drills" is how much I dread Level 2 Drills.

Day 25 - Cardio Recovery - Does anyone else smell that?  No, not that... I mean, yes that is still happening, too, but... no, I mean the burning smell?  Oh nevermind, it's just the flesh on my legs.

Day 26 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs - Insert "Level 2 Drills" here.  Down for eight (8) push-ups, "run" in plank position for an eight-count, bring your feet in and... wait... don't just stand up... JUMP!  Repeat until Shaun T says to stop or until you're dead.  Whichever comes first.  Who knew "Level 2" meant multiply "Level 1" by two?  Awesome.  Dear God, please don't let there be anything called "Level 3 Drills" in the final month of this program.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

Day 27 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit - Shaun T, why you gonna say "One more time" and yet there's still another round of basketball drills, etc. after that?!  Not cool.

Day 28 - Rest day.  *Sigh*

"But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded."

~ 2 Chronicles 15:7 (NLT) ~

Monday, August 29, 2011

INSANITY, Week 3 - Let the Taunting Begin!

So I already reported on the results of my Fit Test, which was officially the start of my third week (Day 15).  For two weeks of work, I was well pleased with my progress.  The rest of the week definitely took on an obvious tone for me as I made a commitment to go harder and "dig deeper" into each routine.  To do so, I had to get to another level of "crazy."  So, I began chiding and taunting the other people on the DVD, and occasionally even Shaun T, whom deserved it the most.  It was all in good fun and self-motivation, of course.  I really have nothing against the people on the DVDs (unlike some people posting on the message boards... Wow, can you say "insecure?").  Anyway, so that's what I've decided to share about Week 3 -- some examples of how I motivated myself by trash-talking others!

Day 15 - Fit Test - Last thing I'll say about Day 15... The Team Beachbody online WOWY SuperGym doesn't consider the Fit Test a "workout," so you can't log that day as a workout online.  That is beat-up, Shaun T.  Or Tony Horton.  Or whoever else I need to say that to.

Day 16 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit - By the time I get to the "Basketball jumps," which basically looks like your scooping up a low pass and taking a jump shot, I am soooo ready to school somebody.  Anybody.  Even a girl.  Especially when in real life these days, I'd brick every shot I took.  But not here, not today.  In my basement, in MY house -- figuratively, as well as literally -- my shot is smooth and nothing but net.  In YOUR eye, Chris!  In YOUR eye, 5-ft-tall Tanya!  In YOUR eye, Josh!  In BOTH YOUR eyes, Shaun T!  I am automatic, baby!!!

Day 17 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs - Don't bring it weak, Frankie.  I see you getting sloppy when the camera's not on you.  That camera busted you cold one time.  The look on your face was priceless when you noticed it, and then you kicked it up about 10 notches.  I was kind of surprised they didn't edit that one out of the video.  And Shanita, come on!  Shaun T asks you how you're doing and you say, "I want to leave."  Booooo! Rest when you need it, girl, but don't be demotivating me with weak talk like that!  You're ripped and weigh like 110 lbs.  And I'm not letting dude with the corn rows off the hook either -- you call that "Power Knees?!!"  That is shameful, dude.  Shameful.

Day 18 - Cardio Recovery - Water break? Water break? I don't need a water break, Shaun T!  I need some ice, ace bandages, and maybe some crutches since someone just set my thighs on fire and I can't walk again.  But I don't need any stinking water.  Quit squatting and pulsing!!  And you, blonde-headed guy... where'd you come from?  You're not on any of the other DVDs and you just show up on this one to do some squatting, lunging and pulsing?  With that punk grin on your face?!  Yeah, I might be able to sit into my squat a little longer if I hadn't been working out every other day of the week, too.

Day 19 - Cardio Power & Resistance - Lots of jumping.  Lloyd, those "Power Jumps" are sick.  You are a sick, sick, sick man to be able to jump that high that many times.  How can I trash talk you, Lloyd?  Other than catching you dogging it on the "Butt kicks!"  Ha ha!  I see you, Lloyd!  Those heels were reaching your glutes when Shaun T came over and the camera was on, but I saw you dogging 'em when he wasn't looking.  Never compromise form, Lloyd.  Maybe you and Frankie should hang out more!  p.s.  Please don't beat me to a pulp.

Day 20 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit - Second time this week... and while I'm still hitting jumpers in e'erybody's eyes, I should say that when you get inside of 10 minutes from the end of the routine and you're doing "Ski Abs" followed by "In-and-Outs" you're lucky if you can talk at all, let alone trash talk.  I think at that point all that's coming out of my mouth is uncontrollable drool.  So I shut up and just try to finish.

Day 21 - Rest Day - I can out-rest all you chumps... Done.

At noon Elijah began to taunt them. “Shout louder!” he said. “Surely he [Baal] is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.”

~ 1 Kings 18:27 ~

Monday, August 22, 2011

INSANITY, Week 2 - Flatulence, Fit Test & First Signs of CRAZY

I think I had a successful first week.  I was excited to get up and get going, and I enjoyed my rest day on Sunday.  Monday, it was back to work...
Day 8 - Cardio Power & Resistance - Second time through this workout, so I didn't really remember what to expect.  Oh yeah, that.  And more of that.  And Globe Jumps... shoot me.  
Day 9 - Pure Cardio - Oh, Pure Cardio, how I loathe thee.  Yet... I find myself inexplicably attracted to you.  On a positive note, I was proud to make it through the entire warm-up without rest.  I'm not saying I kept up with Shaun T, but I kept moving and powered through.
Day 10 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit - I think I had a breakthrough today! Actually two!  I made it through the warm-up without resting for the second straight day.  Breakthrough #1 - SPEED.  I'm getting faster. My assumed analysis is that (a) this was my third time doing this particular workout so I'm getting a little more knowledgeable of what to expect, but (b) more importantly, I can tell I'm getting stronger. Breakthrough #2 - "CRAZY." It was the first time since starting INSANITY that I think I lost my mind in the middle of a workout. Example #1:  At one point I was staring intensely at the wall above my TV during a "sprint" and I hung my tongue out, shook my head at it and let out a crazy "laugh."  Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Example #2:  There's a minute towards the end of this workout where Shaun T leads us in "scissor kicks."  I think that's what they're called.  Anyway, you're standing upright, hopping in place alternating one foot forward and one foot back (yeah, kinda like scissors). You're simultaneously doing a similar motion with your arms and leaning forward slightly.  Hopefully you have the picture.  I felt like I was doing some jazzy Broadway dance and out of my mouth comes "Hello ma baby, Hello ma honey!" as performed by the singing frog (Michigan J. Frog) in "One Froggy Evening" -- an old WB cartoon!  Wow.  Here it is...
"Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal;
Send me a kiss by wire, baby my heart's on fire!
If you refuse me, honey you'll lose me and you'll be left alone,
Oh baby, telephone and tell me I'm your own!"
Wow.  I knew every word of it.  From what dark corner of my brain was that little number pulled from?  Scary.  Or dare I say... insane?!

“You are out of your mind, Paul!” he shouted. “Your great learning is driving you insane.” 
~ Acts 26:24~

Day 11 - Cardio Recovery - I look forward to Thursdays for a lighter day, but don't be fooled... trying to get through all the squatting and "pulsing" in this workout will make your quads ("thighs" to the layperson) feel like they're about to spontaneously combust.
Day 12 - Cardio Power & Resistance - Also now known as Fart Day.  It's official... I've lost control of my sphincter.  What can I say?  My body is changing, and getting up at 5:30am has apparently induced a transition in my "internal schedule."  It's got me all jacked up.  Ah yes, these are the days when you're glad you're working out in your basement alone, and not back in the college or local gym "impressing" any unsuspecting young ladies lucky enough to occupy a yoga mat behind you in class.

Day 13 - Pure Cardio - T-I-R-E-D, Tired.  Looking forward to my day of rest.  But, OH, there is just one more thing, Lieutenant... On top of Pure Cardio we want to introduce Cardio Abs.  Two workouts in a day?  You're killing me, Smalls!  Well, I don't know if there's a rule that says you have to do the workouts back-to-back, so I decided to hit up Cardio Abs around 9:30 in the PM, a couple hours after dinner.  I admit I broke wind during this workout, too.  If this continues, I may never go to a gym again for fear of farting.

Day 14 - Rest Day.  I'm officially beat, but looking forward to attacking the F
it Test on Monday so I can start quantifying my progress.  What feels great is that I KNOW I'm doing exactly that --- progressing.  I made it through the warm-ups every day this week without resting.  It sounds funny, I know, but I think it's an accomplishment.  The warm-ups are no joke.

Day 15 - Fit Test - So, officially this is the start of Week 3, but this Fit Test is the culmination of my first two weeks of work, so I'm logging it now.  Oh, and it's my blog and I can do whatever I want.  You have to do each of eight (8) exercises for one minute and do as many reps as possible in that minute... with only about a minute to a minute-and-a-half rest in between each exercise.  Good news, I improved in just two weeks!  Doesn't look like much, but it feels like much... and I didn't puke up my breakfast afterwards.  Woo hoo! 
Day 15, Fit Test.  Getting a little stronger.


"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might..."
~ Ecclesiastes 9:10a ~

Monday, August 15, 2011

INSANITY, Week 1 - Puke and Toe Jam!

I just finished my first week of Team Beachbody's INSANITY fitness program (if you haven't heard of it, you might be familiar with their popular P90X program).  Anyway, as they suggest, I thought it would be helpful to put some brief thoughts on "paper" so I not only stay motivated, but also keep from forgetting where I was when I started INSANITY. I hope to look back and see not only a physical change, but a mentality change.
Shaun T and his crew.

I know the hardest part of doing anything is getting started.  I bought INSANITY over 4 months ago (March 2011).  At that time I had recently lost 25 lbs doing Weight Watchers (simply changing my diet; no exercise routine at all), and I was ready to start toning what was left.  I was down to 179 lbs from 204 lbs, which I know may not seem "fat" but the truth is simply that I was overweight and out of shape and wanted to do something about it before it ever got "out of hand."  Why workout with 25 more pounds on you than necessary, right?  Anyway, I kept running into "reasons" that I couldn't get started.  I was finding my life difficult to prioritize - you probably know the feeling.  I decided to wait to get started until after my softball season. Then, I broke my finger towards the end of the season (making an incredible catch, mind you) and didn't want to start the program while injured. I also didn't want anything interrupting my program, so I continued to put it off for reasons like healing, beach vacation and a week of Vacation Bible School at my church.  I finally saw a window of opportunity (but, in truth, just quit making excuses) and decided to go for it.  I committed to set my alarm for 5:30am daily and get in shape.  This is the next chapter in my transformation story.  It's called INSANITY, and here's how it's going so far...
Day 1 - Fit Test - It was time to find out what kind of foundation I had made for myself and I think I shocked my body.  15 minutes after I finished (keyword there: finished), I tried to eat some Kashi cereal (two bites) and I barfed.  Yup, three times, and bad puking posture made the first one hurt.  You really gotta hunch and open up the pipes, people.  Oy.  But I actually felt pretty good after that.  Felt like I must have pushed myself.
Day 2 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit - Okay, first actual workout. Whipped me, but I dug deeper and pushed through.  Not a cardio buff myself, but that's why I chose this program.  I reminded myself that it's important.
Day 3 - Cardio Power & Resistance - I did it! I hate having to rest, but I shouldn't expect to power through any of these DVDs, certainly not in the first week.  It's actually encouraging to see others on the DVD have to bail from the routine and get water/rest for a second.  It's okay as long as I jump right back in there and only rest if I MUST.  And hey, two straight days without puking!
Day 4 - Cardio Recovery - Sounds "easier" right?  It was defitinitely lighter cardio-wise, but there were still points at which I had to rest briefly.  I was thankful for the lighter workout, too, because I was feeling it from the first couple of days, especially in my calves.  It's a good kinda hurt, though. 
Day 5 - Pure Cardio - Wow. Let's just say I would've named it "I can't breath or feel my legs."
That Day 5 routine was TOUGH.  But I'm encouraged by Shaun T and some friends who've done this program to "dig deeper."  And the program has excited me to continue getting right back in there each day.  I'm actually surprised at my desire to go to bed early and get up early each morning to do this.  And I'm amazed at how quickly the body reacts to working out. I'm confident I'm getting stronger already.

"Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous — how well I know it."
~ Psalm 139:14 (NLT) ~

Day 6 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit (again) - It was 2:00am this past Friday morning, Day 6 of INSANITY looming, when my wife woke me up saying our little boy, Isaac, was calling from his room.  I said I'd check on him.  Now that I'm getting up in the dark every morning at 5:30am, I wouldn't have assumed this 2:00am trip would bode any differently.  I made my way around the bed and then... WHAM... OW!! What the?!!  A flip flop?!  Really?!  A flip flop?  I just stubbed and rolled my toe on a Crocs flip flop?  And it hurt that bad?  Well, the pain subsided pretty quickly or I was too tired to care, I checked on Isaac, let him come get in bed with us because it was the path of least resistance back to sleep until my 5:30 rendez-vous.
I had actually forgotten about the incident, as can happen when you feel like you were sleep-walking to begin with, until I started Day 6's warm-up.  I obviously had already put on my socks and shoes without paying much attention to my toe, but started feeling the soreness and throbbing during the routine and remembered the incident.  After the workout I took off my socks and shoes and discovered a red, purple, black and blue toe on my left foot. Ouch! And yuck!  
At least I didn't upload a picture of the puke.

Thankfully, it wasn't bad enough to interrupt my workout.  And maybe it was the workout that caused the discoloration.  I don't know, but I was glad to look on my calendar and see I had some extra healing time coming up... Sunday, which was... 

Day 7 - Rest Day - Just as God created and intended it, right?

"On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation."
~ Genesis 2:2-3 (NLT) ~
Must've known Cardio Power & Resistance awaited us on the eighth day!