Monday, October 3, 2011

INSANITY - Weeks 7 & 8 - No Rest For the Weary

Caught me slackin' on my blog posting again.  A couple of busy weeks have made it difficult enough to keep up with my INSANITY workouts, let alone keep up with my blogging.  Regardless, or IR-REGADDLESS for you northerners, I managed to stay on track for the most part over the last two weeks and I'm looking forward to the home stretch -- pun intended.  Here are some thoughts from the last two weeks...

Day 43 - Max Cardio Conditioning - I must be learning to breathe better.  Lord knows you need air to finish this DVD.  There are sooo many exercises crammed into 47 minutes, including Diamond Jumps (start in a squat, jump up, swing arms out and up over your head while basically clicking your heels together in mid-air underneath you), as well as another exercise I find just as brutal - the Push-up Abs (as you go down in your push-up, alternate bringing one knee out and forward to touch your elbow).  Hard. Core.

Day 44 - Max Interval Circuit - 3rd time through this one.  Felt like taunting again.  So today I taunted Anna.  Two times Shaun T asks her how she's feeling and she throws out these lame visuals, like "I feel like I'm on the playground again" and "I feel like I'm [expletive] climbing Mt. Everest!"  Whoa.  Where did that come from?  Then I realized that wasn't the only F-bomb she dropped during the workout.  Of course, they're censored on the video, but pretty obvious after you've been through the workout a few times.  And it's not that I'm offended, it's just annoying when it seems so forced and unnecessary... if it's ever "necessary."

Day 45 - Max Interval Plyo - Since I'm picking on people... today I chide Darren.  A gentleman short in stature with a strong build, yet terribly inflexible as Shaun T makes certain to point out as he goes and straightens Darren's limbs out during the first stretch.  I thought the guy's arm was going to snap off as he winces and replies, "It hurts a little," when Shaun T asks him, "How's that feel, Darren?"  But there's also a part late in the DVD that bugs me as Darren walks back from a quick water break and holds up his arm and four fingers.  Now, some of you know that this is simply an athlete gesturing something that means 'Hey, we play four quarters (or four periods), not 2, not 3, but 4.'  Kind of a "finish strong" mentality.  I get it.  I do.  For whatever reason, it seemed out of place to me.  Not motivating, just dumb.  Darren, your hard work motivates me.  You trying to be cool on the video does not.  Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

Day 46 - Max Recovery - Dilemma!  Traveling to Savannah today for the weekend to celebrate 10 years of marriage and enjoy time with my wife.  Couldn't get the workout in this morning, so I actually brought my INSANITY DVDs with me.  That in itself now seems insane.  After a 7-hour road trip and dinner in Savannah, I did my Max Recovery workout in the hotel room.  Commitment?  Yes.  Sweaty smelling hotel room?  Yes.  Sorry, honey.  Will I do my workout tomorrow?...

The Savannah River.  We stayed at the Hyatt back there on the left.

Day 47 - Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs - [Previously on McMahonhood...]... Will I do my workout tomorrow?... Uh, no.  Hadn't missed a day yet, but I can make it up.  My wife has been totally supportive of me getting back in shape, and I just felt I could sacrifice that time.  You really do get smelly and throw some sweat around doing these routines and I felt the need to spare her of all that again.  She's been really proud of my commitment, though.

Day 48 - Core Cardio & Balance - Okay, so I'll need to make up two days.  Vacations can be a workout killer.  I must say, though, I think we've gotten our share of exercise.  We must have walked 20 miles in Savannah this weekend.

Day 49 - Rest Day - WRONG.  Not today, Mister.  Had some catching up to do, so after a 7-hour road trip, I knocked out the Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs routines that I was supposed to on Day 47.  A rare headache didn't make this routine very fun.  Too much jumping - ugh!

Fit Test #4, Day 50.

Day 50 - Fit Test & Max Interval Circuit - So I rocked the fourth Fit Test during my lunch break today.  My results are improving (see picture) and I only have one more Fit Test scheduled... the day of reckoning.
Unfortunately, I planned to hit the Max Interval Circuit this evening, but got side-tracked by Monday Night Football (Redskins v. Cowboys!) and pennant race baseball (my Cardinals closing in on the final playoff spot in the National League) were both on.  My penalty?  The Redskins lost, the Cardinals lost, and I lost a make-up day.  Lose. Lose. Lose.  Ouch.

Day 51 - Max Interval Circuit - Caught this day up, and can see that it's going to be Hell trying to catch up on these intense routines.  Dig deeper!!!

Day 52 - Max Interval Plyo - Felt pretty good!  Maybe I was jacked about the 7-0 lead in the Cardinals game.  And I actually sacrificed watching the very end of the game to get my workout in tonight... My reward?  Cards win their game, Braves lose their game; therefore, the Cardinals take the Wild Card playoff spot!  Win. Win.  Woo hoo!

Day 53 - Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs - I love it when I realize my progress!  The Cardio Abs routine is a short one, so I can often remember my previous effort.  Taking fewer rests and be able to do more reps on each exercise is always a good sign!

Day 54 - Max Recovery - This routine starts out so sweet and innocent, but by the end my shoulders and quads are always on fire.

Day 55 - Max Interval Circuit - Cranked it out hard this morning.  Really feel like I want to go even harder heading into the final week.  To be honest though, I don't know how much harder I can go.  I guess that's a good thing!
And before I wrap up this day, can I just dog Jimmy for a minute?  Dude, maybe I'm wrong, but Ariel does not look interested.  My guess?  She saw you doing the high knees with twists exercise.  Just sayin.'

Day 56 - Rest Day - Wrong again! Core Cardio & Balance catch-up day!  Back on track, heading into the final week of INSANITY.  You may be realizing as I did at one point that... Hey, this isn't a 60-day program -- it's a 63-day program!  But then maybe you'll realize like I did that staying in shape is going to be a worthwhile life-long program, so who cares, right?

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?  Run in such a way as to get the prize."

~ 1 Corinthians 9:24 ~

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