Monday, October 10, 2011

INSANITY, Week 9 - The Results Are In!

I was pretty excited heading into this week for the sole reason that the insanity was almost over.  I was back on the morning routine track and I have to say that was the best way to go for me.  Trying to find the energy and motivation to do these workouts in the evenings was tough.  After working during the day and doing all that is required in the evenings when you have two little ones, working out was the last thing I wanted to be doing at 8 or 9 o'clock at night.  Anyway, I was glad to be getting up at 5am again.  Sounds funny (ridiculous really) I know, but I was rested, ready, and the workouts just started the day off right.
I kept my thoughts simple this week.  Here they are along with my final Fit Test results and a few pictures and analysis of my "transformation."

Day 57 - Max Interval Plyo - Have I mentioned that there ARE Level 3 Drills?!!  I remember posting somewhere previously, "Please God, don't let there be Level 3 Drills."  As Garth Brooks once sang, "Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers."  I'm afraid this wasn't one of those gifts.  16 push-ups, then stay in "plank" position and run/climb for a 16-count, then stand up, go back down and do another 16 push-ups and run/climb for another 16-count.  Best wishes.

Day 58 - Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs - I can almost keep up!  Come on, lungs!

Day 59 - Max Interval Circuit - Ok, I can't believe it took me two months to come up with this.  This workout totally reminded me of an episode of My Wife and Kids.  In the show, Michael Kyle (Damon Wayans) and his wife 'Jay' -- short for Janet (Tisha Campbell) -- run into an old friend (Terry Crews), who happens to run a gym, has enormous muscles, and clearly impresses Jay.  After some ribbing, Michael commits to hitting the gym for some Euro Training with their old friend...

Ha ha!! Love it.  Hey, does the Max Interval Circuit kick your butt for an hour? "IN-DEED."

Day 60 - Core Cardio & Balance - Yes, it says Day 60, but there are still three days left.  I'm not bitter.

Day 61 - Max Interval Plyo - Last day to do a million push-ups!  Who's with me?

Can you hand me my water, please?

Day 62 - Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs - Last workouts before my final Fit Test!

Day 63 - Fit Test #5 - Whew!  I had a hard time catching my breath during this one.  Obviously I didn't want my numbers to go down on my final test, so I was digging as deep as possible on every exercise.  I know by the end I had nothing left to give.  Oh, and I didn't realize until I was cropping this photo that the first exercise stated "2 kicks = 1 rep" so I typed in my proper Switch Kicks results.

Fit Test #5

And now, it's over...  Or has it just begun?!!  Who's up for Round 2?

I'm definitely in for another round in the near future.  And perhaps next time I'll do better along the diet front.  While I was not eating out-of-control, I'm pretty sure I wasn't eating the best fuel for this workout.  As I look at my transformation photos, I don't think I'd make a very good commercial for INSANITY.  My results do not appear dramatic.  However, I definitely FEEL a huge transformation, but you might agree it's hard to see in these photos.  Don't get me wrong... I'm not disappointed.  What I do see is better posture and much less muscle "sag."  I had a little muscle before but it all just seemed to be hanging on me... not very "toned."  I could flex and my muscles were soft.  Now, the meat on my bones is sitting up where it's supposed to be sitting up.  Everything is tightening up, and when I flex my muscles actually feel solid.  I think the biggest difference is in my quads, which was not on the "before and after photos" list, so I can't really show the difference here.  I did take some measurements on Day 1 also, so once I re-measure, I'll share those results as well.

Seems to have tightened up a bit.

Slight visual difference.  Definitely firmer.  Awkward flexing for a camera.

Rear view shows a little more definition in my back.

I added a trend line for this photo, which I think showed
the most obvious change.

Yes, I feel a little weird posting pictures of myself, even on my own personal blog, but I thought it would be dumb to blog about this entire experience and not show some results.  Anyway, INSANITY has been a great program for me.  I wanted something that didn't involve weights, would help me tone what muscle I had, and would improve my cardio.  It has strengthened my core incredibly from where I was 60 days ago, and I think the Fit Test results prove that.  It has also been instrumental in rekindling my desire to be in shape.  I want to be healthy.  I want to look good for my wife.  And as my kids get older, well, so do I.  I want to be able to keep up with them and enjoy them as long as possible.  So here's to the end of INSANITY and the beginning of a new chapter!

"It is finished."

~ Jesus ~
(John 19:30)

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