Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy 10th Anniversary!

I'd like to interrupt all my INSANITY blog posts for a special announcement.  An announcement more insane than any workout program...

As of today, Rebecca and I have been married TEN (10) years.  Now that's insane.

So, Rebecca, here's a little something to commemorate our time together.


10. Date Nights
These have been few and far between over the last 4 years (since having kids), but I have had so much fun experiencing life with you.  We've shared delicious dinners and we're always willing to try new places and foods when given the opportunity.  I actually enjoyed the trips to Five Guys while you were pregnant with Isaac, though I packed on a few pounds.  We've caught a few movies (actually in theaters!) over the years.  We've been to tons of concerts, many of which I would've never bought tickets to if not for you (I mean that in a good way).  We've gotten to a couple of ballgames (including the rain delayed game in Pittsburgh that we left too early only to find out the next morning that the Cardinals made an awesome comeback that we missed - Doh!).  We've seen a plethora of plays/productions/even musicals, and even experienced a hilarious Jerry Seinfeld stand-up routine.  You know there's more, but to the point... I really enjoy spending time with you.

9. The 2006 Playoffs and World Series
Let me preface this one by saying that this should really encompass all of the time we spend together in the comfort of our home, chilling on the couch, snuggling (until I get too hot), and watching the tube.  We have our TV shows we like to watch (House, Big Bang, early CSI, etc.), but in 2006 you watched all seventeen (17) Cardinals playoff games with me on our then-new high-def flat panel TV.  All of them.  I know you slept through a few innings, but you proved your fanhood that year and I remember how much fun we had watching those games en route to a World Series Championship.  It was one of those pre-children special moments to me.

8. Vacations Together
With or without our kids, we have had a blast and been so blessed to see a little bit of God's [and some of man's] creation.  The fun began in Kuaui, Hawaii on our honeymoon and has taken us to such places as Gatlinburg, Charleston-SC, San Diego, Hilton Head, Edisto Island, Asheville, Hershey, Pittsburgh, the Caribbean, beaches galore, and most recently, Savannah.  And while we had our "moments" during some trips... you know, spousal navigational disagreements, we managed to get everywhere we were going and enjoy ourselves.  And granted I have been quoted as saying, "Buying that Tom Tom GPS likely saved our marriage," road trips with my bestie are still the best.  I know... I can't quite attach myself to that new word either.

7. Making a Home Together
We bought our house in February 2002.  Ever since then, and perhaps even before then while renting a duplex, we really seemed to click when it came to making our house really feel like our house.  Our style, our taste, your research and our execution of ideas has really made our home the best place for us to start and end our days.  It's special to me that though we are so different when it comes to the things at which we excel, these home projects have always been something at which we've made a great team.  Well... that and making babies!  Woo hoo!

6. Free [Salon Quality] Haircuts!
Maybe some people wouldn't rank this higher than vacations together or making a home together, but while we were in a moment of comic relief, I thought this would be a good spot for this one.  You know I can't stand to be too serious for too long.  That being said, think of all the money I/we have saved in haircuts!  I mean, yeah, you work your fingers to the bone, but... just since we've been married, if I got my haircut once every six weeks (which is pretty conservative), and paid $20 per cut, that's... about 9 haircuts multiplied by ten years, multiplied by $20... that's $1800 we've saved in haircuts!  Not to mention the money we'll save on our kids' haircuts.  Oh, wait, we have a daughter.  Add colors, highlights, perms(?), and up-dos to that list.  I should also mention that the free shampoos afterwards are quite the icing on the cake.  You don't get that at the barber shop!

Salon chair or porch?  It's nice to have options.

5. Your Vocals
Boy, are you vocal! :-)  Sometimes to a fault.  But not when your singing.  Seriously, I m not sure I've ever expressed or expressed enough how your singing floored me from the start.  When you sing, and especially when you're singing to worship God, you touch my heart and so often lead me into a my own place of worship.  It's incredibly beautiful.  And although you hear it from others every time you sing, I wish I never grew tired of telling you that you needed to cut a CD.  We could be rich, I tell you...RICH!!  But who knows, if you made it big years ago, you might have dumped me for a sweeter piece of arm candy.  Instead, thankfully, you've let God lead, and I'm pretty sure he hasn't steered you wrong.  Really I just wanted a CD for keepsake/family heirloom purposes.  But wait!  Now, for the first time, you're in a band!  A band so new it doesn't even have a name yet.  I know how much you're enjoying it and that makes me super happy for you, and I get the feeling I might soon get that CD that I -- and many others -- have been waiting for.

Like I said... Gorgeous.

4. October 6, 2001

It was the first day of the rest of our lives.  It was awesome.  You were a gorgeous bride.  We shared a funny moment at the wick-less unity candle.  You sang Valentine to me at our reception.  And I heard the prime rib was delicious.  How did we not get to eat our dinner until we were on our way to Greensboro?  Cold chicken tenders and leftovers in a Styrofoam box for us.  But we were too excited to care.  That was a sweet day.  You've been a great wife ever since.  It had to be you.

Cue up Harry Connick, Jr.

2. The Sex!
I'm kidding.  I mean... I'm not kidding in the sense that "it" wouldn't make some uncensored Top 10 List, but that's not really my style.  If anyone else reading must know, we've only had coitus twice and it was for pro-creation purposes only.  True story.
Now... you may have noticed there's no number 3.  That is because there's a tie for the #2 spot.  On two perfect days over the last 4 years, you gave birth to my other two favorite people.

    2-a. Isaac James, born December 22, 2007.

    2-b. Ella Riley, born May 3, 2010.
Speaking of "the difficult part!" 

You are a wonderful mom.  You were a wonderful mom from the moment we found out these children were being woven in your belly.  And while you are all the things a fun-loving mom is supposed to be, I'm more proud that my children have a mother, who cares to do well the things that are the more difficult parts of being a parent.  You are prepared.  You are scheduled.  You are disciplined.  You're the bomb mom.  I see it, and I love you for it.

1. You Love Jesus
Completely.  That relationship is something that translates into so much more in our relationship.  And that truth continues to sustain our marriage.  Thank you for your commitment to Christ, for your faithfulness to me, and for your partnership in parenthood.

Happy Anniversary!

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..."

~ Ephesians 5:25 ~

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