Wednesday, June 8, 2011

4 Laughs - Say What?!

Wow, I can't believe I last posted in January.  What a slacker!  Thankfully, I made a couple of notes for this special four-story installment of Say What?!  Isaac has come up with some doosies.  The boy just makes me laugh every day and I love him so much for that.  Hopefully, I've remembered enough of details to do these precious moments some justice.

No Hands!
Earlier this year as Rebecca and I made a few final preparations to go on a quick trip to Pennsylvania, Isaac was off quietly amusing himself with a game on Rebecca's iPhone.  As we hustled to pack up a few snacks before getting on the road, we stood in the kitchen, not realizing Isaac made his way to the potty, iPhone in hand(s).  While I've heard similar stories end with the need to replace a urine-drowned phone, thankfully Rebecca's phone wouldn't suffer such a fate.  But I will say that our four eyes popped and a good laugh followed when we heard Isaac proudly call out from the bathroom, "Mom... Guess what?!  I holded your phone in my mouth and I didn't even drop it in my pee!"  Haha! Say what?!

Calling Out Grandma
In April, my mother-in-law had planned to go up to PA for a Mary Kay seminar, so Rebecca decided she'd offer to go along and take the kids up to stay and visit their great grandparents for the weekend.  On one occasion that Rebecca called to check in, she informed me that Isaac had helped Grandma make peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for lunch.  She was no doubt witnessing a sweet memory in the making until -- or when, depending on how you look at it -- Isaac stepped back and called her out... "Grandma, you tooted... I heard you!"  Haha!  Say what?!

In Pappy's Image?
Isaac and Pappy (my father-in-law) were sharing some time together one afternoon a few weeks ago when Pappy pulled out an old picture of his family from when he was a little boy (see black & white detail).  As you can see, there were definitely some similarities between what Pappy looked like as a little boy and what Isaac looks like.  And Isaac agreed that he and Pappy looked alike.  Well, Pappy proceeded to tell Isaac, "You know what that means?  It means when you grow big, you're gonna look like me!"  Without missing a beat, Isaac promptly responded, "Nuh-uh, Pappy... my mom makes me eat healthy."  Haha! Say what?!

Left: Pappy, age 3 or 4. Right: Isaac & Pappy, Winter '10-'11.

So Busted
One final story for all you softball wives.  Just the other day as a few clouds began to move in, and Rebecca was legitimately eager for some rain (for her plants).  I had just gotten home from work and we were figuring out some dinner plans and thumbing through the day's mail when Rebecca utters, "Man, I hope we get a big storm tonight."  Isaac pipes in, "Why, Mommy?  Does Daddy have a softball game tonight?"  Haha! Say what?!  So busted.  Turned out, I didn't have one scheduled anyway, but Mommy's eyes (and Isaac's mouth) revealed she had hoped for that scenario once... maybe twice... before.

Today's Good Read: James 3