Monday, August 22, 2011

INSANITY, Week 2 - Flatulence, Fit Test & First Signs of CRAZY

I think I had a successful first week.  I was excited to get up and get going, and I enjoyed my rest day on Sunday.  Monday, it was back to work...
Day 8 - Cardio Power & Resistance - Second time through this workout, so I didn't really remember what to expect.  Oh yeah, that.  And more of that.  And Globe Jumps... shoot me.  
Day 9 - Pure Cardio - Oh, Pure Cardio, how I loathe thee.  Yet... I find myself inexplicably attracted to you.  On a positive note, I was proud to make it through the entire warm-up without rest.  I'm not saying I kept up with Shaun T, but I kept moving and powered through.
Day 10 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit - I think I had a breakthrough today! Actually two!  I made it through the warm-up without resting for the second straight day.  Breakthrough #1 - SPEED.  I'm getting faster. My assumed analysis is that (a) this was my third time doing this particular workout so I'm getting a little more knowledgeable of what to expect, but (b) more importantly, I can tell I'm getting stronger. Breakthrough #2 - "CRAZY." It was the first time since starting INSANITY that I think I lost my mind in the middle of a workout. Example #1:  At one point I was staring intensely at the wall above my TV during a "sprint" and I hung my tongue out, shook my head at it and let out a crazy "laugh."  Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Example #2:  There's a minute towards the end of this workout where Shaun T leads us in "scissor kicks."  I think that's what they're called.  Anyway, you're standing upright, hopping in place alternating one foot forward and one foot back (yeah, kinda like scissors). You're simultaneously doing a similar motion with your arms and leaning forward slightly.  Hopefully you have the picture.  I felt like I was doing some jazzy Broadway dance and out of my mouth comes "Hello ma baby, Hello ma honey!" as performed by the singing frog (Michigan J. Frog) in "One Froggy Evening" -- an old WB cartoon!  Wow.  Here it is...
"Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal;
Send me a kiss by wire, baby my heart's on fire!
If you refuse me, honey you'll lose me and you'll be left alone,
Oh baby, telephone and tell me I'm your own!"
Wow.  I knew every word of it.  From what dark corner of my brain was that little number pulled from?  Scary.  Or dare I say... insane?!

“You are out of your mind, Paul!” he shouted. “Your great learning is driving you insane.” 
~ Acts 26:24~

Day 11 - Cardio Recovery - I look forward to Thursdays for a lighter day, but don't be fooled... trying to get through all the squatting and "pulsing" in this workout will make your quads ("thighs" to the layperson) feel like they're about to spontaneously combust.
Day 12 - Cardio Power & Resistance - Also now known as Fart Day.  It's official... I've lost control of my sphincter.  What can I say?  My body is changing, and getting up at 5:30am has apparently induced a transition in my "internal schedule."  It's got me all jacked up.  Ah yes, these are the days when you're glad you're working out in your basement alone, and not back in the college or local gym "impressing" any unsuspecting young ladies lucky enough to occupy a yoga mat behind you in class.

Day 13 - Pure Cardio - T-I-R-E-D, Tired.  Looking forward to my day of rest.  But, OH, there is just one more thing, Lieutenant... On top of Pure Cardio we want to introduce Cardio Abs.  Two workouts in a day?  You're killing me, Smalls!  Well, I don't know if there's a rule that says you have to do the workouts back-to-back, so I decided to hit up Cardio Abs around 9:30 in the PM, a couple hours after dinner.  I admit I broke wind during this workout, too.  If this continues, I may never go to a gym again for fear of farting.

Day 14 - Rest Day.  I'm officially beat, but looking forward to attacking the F
it Test on Monday so I can start quantifying my progress.  What feels great is that I KNOW I'm doing exactly that --- progressing.  I made it through the warm-ups every day this week without resting.  It sounds funny, I know, but I think it's an accomplishment.  The warm-ups are no joke.

Day 15 - Fit Test - So, officially this is the start of Week 3, but this Fit Test is the culmination of my first two weeks of work, so I'm logging it now.  Oh, and it's my blog and I can do whatever I want.  You have to do each of eight (8) exercises for one minute and do as many reps as possible in that minute... with only about a minute to a minute-and-a-half rest in between each exercise.  Good news, I improved in just two weeks!  Doesn't look like much, but it feels like much... and I didn't puke up my breakfast afterwards.  Woo hoo! 
Day 15, Fit Test.  Getting a little stronger.


"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might..."
~ Ecclesiastes 9:10a ~

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