Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ella Riley McMahon

Baby Ella has arrived!  Okay, so it was nine days ago.  Fair to say I've had a few moments of time when I could have probably published a quick blog entry; however, energy has been at a premium over the last week, and I've been waiting for the dazed and confused fog to pass.  So this is it!
Early on the morning of May 2nd, Rebecca spent most of the morning sick with a stomach bug and became very dehydrated.  We all know what causes dehydration, so I'll leave it at that.  Rebecca felt awful and began to have mild contractions, so we decided to go ahead and get to the hospital, figuring she was due May 8th, so this might be magic time.  Turned out that the dehydration can cause contractions, and after a bag and a half of fluids and a little rest, the doctor sent us home to spread news of a false alarm.  She could have induced (one was scheduled for May 4th anyway), but preferred to not make Rebecca go into labor feeling the way she had for the previous 12 hours.
So we got home around 10:30am and Rebecca headed back to bed.  I knew she really felt drained because (a) she didn't want to vacuum anything, and (b) she killed a 32 oz. Gatorade and loved it -- she hates Gatorade (but I've told her that Gatorade only tastes good when you need it and she's not the jock/sweaty-type that has ever much needed Gatorade... you follow me?  Anyhoo...) She spent the next 10 hours in bed, quite literally, other than to pee and finally get a shower around 9pm.  And then, the real labor began.  I called my mom -- and aren't moms especially great in times like these?! -- and she came over and sat with Rebecca as I got Isaac ready for bed.  We began timing contractions around 9:45pm and at 10:30pm decided that this was no false alarm.  It was time to go!  Mom spent the night at our house with Isaac, though obviously didn't plan to sleep much.
We got back to the hospital around 11pm and told them we were there to stay this time!  The details of the next four hours are a little fuzzy, but they involved breaking her water, getting an epidural, and me nodding off on a bedside stool (I did eventually move to the uncomfortable dad's chair, because when I start nodding off I twitch hard enough to kick a 40-yard field goal and didn't want to destroy any nearby medical equipment).  We both rested through the early phase of contractions, but eventually the nurses came in, I half-woke up, and it was time to have a baby.  Don't worry, I eventually gathered my wits and did an outstanding coaching job.  Rebecca was awesome, breezing through the [no-doubt painful] "hard part."  After only 35 minutes of pushing, out came our baby girl.  And yes, I cut the umbilical cord... without realizing I had grabbed it with my left hand to help stabilize it.  It seemed incredibly strong... and slimy.
So while big brother Isaac slept, Rebecca and I excitedly welcomed Ella Riley at 3:08am on Monday, May 3, 2010.  Only a half-ounce separated her from her big brother's size at birth -- 8 pounds, 6.5 ounces and 20.5 inches long.  She has a full head of dark brown hair and seems to favor the McMahon side of the family... she looks like my dad and brother Kyle!  What?!  Scary, I know! :-)  No, really she is absolutely beautiful, and we are blessed beyond measure.  Praise God!

Today's Good Read: Psalm 139:13-16

A few pictures... see more on Facebook!


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