Monday, August 29, 2011

INSANITY, Week 3 - Let the Taunting Begin!

So I already reported on the results of my Fit Test, which was officially the start of my third week (Day 15).  For two weeks of work, I was well pleased with my progress.  The rest of the week definitely took on an obvious tone for me as I made a commitment to go harder and "dig deeper" into each routine.  To do so, I had to get to another level of "crazy."  So, I began chiding and taunting the other people on the DVD, and occasionally even Shaun T, whom deserved it the most.  It was all in good fun and self-motivation, of course.  I really have nothing against the people on the DVDs (unlike some people posting on the message boards... Wow, can you say "insecure?").  Anyway, so that's what I've decided to share about Week 3 -- some examples of how I motivated myself by trash-talking others!

Day 15 - Fit Test - Last thing I'll say about Day 15... The Team Beachbody online WOWY SuperGym doesn't consider the Fit Test a "workout," so you can't log that day as a workout online.  That is beat-up, Shaun T.  Or Tony Horton.  Or whoever else I need to say that to.

Day 16 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit - By the time I get to the "Basketball jumps," which basically looks like your scooping up a low pass and taking a jump shot, I am soooo ready to school somebody.  Anybody.  Even a girl.  Especially when in real life these days, I'd brick every shot I took.  But not here, not today.  In my basement, in MY house -- figuratively, as well as literally -- my shot is smooth and nothing but net.  In YOUR eye, Chris!  In YOUR eye, 5-ft-tall Tanya!  In YOUR eye, Josh!  In BOTH YOUR eyes, Shaun T!  I am automatic, baby!!!

Day 17 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs - Don't bring it weak, Frankie.  I see you getting sloppy when the camera's not on you.  That camera busted you cold one time.  The look on your face was priceless when you noticed it, and then you kicked it up about 10 notches.  I was kind of surprised they didn't edit that one out of the video.  And Shanita, come on!  Shaun T asks you how you're doing and you say, "I want to leave."  Booooo! Rest when you need it, girl, but don't be demotivating me with weak talk like that!  You're ripped and weigh like 110 lbs.  And I'm not letting dude with the corn rows off the hook either -- you call that "Power Knees?!!"  That is shameful, dude.  Shameful.

Day 18 - Cardio Recovery - Water break? Water break? I don't need a water break, Shaun T!  I need some ice, ace bandages, and maybe some crutches since someone just set my thighs on fire and I can't walk again.  But I don't need any stinking water.  Quit squatting and pulsing!!  And you, blonde-headed guy... where'd you come from?  You're not on any of the other DVDs and you just show up on this one to do some squatting, lunging and pulsing?  With that punk grin on your face?!  Yeah, I might be able to sit into my squat a little longer if I hadn't been working out every other day of the week, too.

Day 19 - Cardio Power & Resistance - Lots of jumping.  Lloyd, those "Power Jumps" are sick.  You are a sick, sick, sick man to be able to jump that high that many times.  How can I trash talk you, Lloyd?  Other than catching you dogging it on the "Butt kicks!"  Ha ha!  I see you, Lloyd!  Those heels were reaching your glutes when Shaun T came over and the camera was on, but I saw you dogging 'em when he wasn't looking.  Never compromise form, Lloyd.  Maybe you and Frankie should hang out more!  p.s.  Please don't beat me to a pulp.

Day 20 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit - Second time this week... and while I'm still hitting jumpers in e'erybody's eyes, I should say that when you get inside of 10 minutes from the end of the routine and you're doing "Ski Abs" followed by "In-and-Outs" you're lucky if you can talk at all, let alone trash talk.  I think at that point all that's coming out of my mouth is uncontrollable drool.  So I shut up and just try to finish.

Day 21 - Rest Day - I can out-rest all you chumps... Done.

At noon Elijah began to taunt them. “Shout louder!” he said. “Surely he [Baal] is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.”

~ 1 Kings 18:27 ~

Monday, August 22, 2011

INSANITY, Week 2 - Flatulence, Fit Test & First Signs of CRAZY

I think I had a successful first week.  I was excited to get up and get going, and I enjoyed my rest day on Sunday.  Monday, it was back to work...
Day 8 - Cardio Power & Resistance - Second time through this workout, so I didn't really remember what to expect.  Oh yeah, that.  And more of that.  And Globe Jumps... shoot me.  
Day 9 - Pure Cardio - Oh, Pure Cardio, how I loathe thee.  Yet... I find myself inexplicably attracted to you.  On a positive note, I was proud to make it through the entire warm-up without rest.  I'm not saying I kept up with Shaun T, but I kept moving and powered through.
Day 10 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit - I think I had a breakthrough today! Actually two!  I made it through the warm-up without resting for the second straight day.  Breakthrough #1 - SPEED.  I'm getting faster. My assumed analysis is that (a) this was my third time doing this particular workout so I'm getting a little more knowledgeable of what to expect, but (b) more importantly, I can tell I'm getting stronger. Breakthrough #2 - "CRAZY." It was the first time since starting INSANITY that I think I lost my mind in the middle of a workout. Example #1:  At one point I was staring intensely at the wall above my TV during a "sprint" and I hung my tongue out, shook my head at it and let out a crazy "laugh."  Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Example #2:  There's a minute towards the end of this workout where Shaun T leads us in "scissor kicks."  I think that's what they're called.  Anyway, you're standing upright, hopping in place alternating one foot forward and one foot back (yeah, kinda like scissors). You're simultaneously doing a similar motion with your arms and leaning forward slightly.  Hopefully you have the picture.  I felt like I was doing some jazzy Broadway dance and out of my mouth comes "Hello ma baby, Hello ma honey!" as performed by the singing frog (Michigan J. Frog) in "One Froggy Evening" -- an old WB cartoon!  Wow.  Here it is...
"Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal;
Send me a kiss by wire, baby my heart's on fire!
If you refuse me, honey you'll lose me and you'll be left alone,
Oh baby, telephone and tell me I'm your own!"
Wow.  I knew every word of it.  From what dark corner of my brain was that little number pulled from?  Scary.  Or dare I say... insane?!

“You are out of your mind, Paul!” he shouted. “Your great learning is driving you insane.” 
~ Acts 26:24~

Day 11 - Cardio Recovery - I look forward to Thursdays for a lighter day, but don't be fooled... trying to get through all the squatting and "pulsing" in this workout will make your quads ("thighs" to the layperson) feel like they're about to spontaneously combust.
Day 12 - Cardio Power & Resistance - Also now known as Fart Day.  It's official... I've lost control of my sphincter.  What can I say?  My body is changing, and getting up at 5:30am has apparently induced a transition in my "internal schedule."  It's got me all jacked up.  Ah yes, these are the days when you're glad you're working out in your basement alone, and not back in the college or local gym "impressing" any unsuspecting young ladies lucky enough to occupy a yoga mat behind you in class.

Day 13 - Pure Cardio - T-I-R-E-D, Tired.  Looking forward to my day of rest.  But, OH, there is just one more thing, Lieutenant... On top of Pure Cardio we want to introduce Cardio Abs.  Two workouts in a day?  You're killing me, Smalls!  Well, I don't know if there's a rule that says you have to do the workouts back-to-back, so I decided to hit up Cardio Abs around 9:30 in the PM, a couple hours after dinner.  I admit I broke wind during this workout, too.  If this continues, I may never go to a gym again for fear of farting.

Day 14 - Rest Day.  I'm officially beat, but looking forward to attacking the F
it Test on Monday so I can start quantifying my progress.  What feels great is that I KNOW I'm doing exactly that --- progressing.  I made it through the warm-ups every day this week without resting.  It sounds funny, I know, but I think it's an accomplishment.  The warm-ups are no joke.

Day 15 - Fit Test - So, officially this is the start of Week 3, but this Fit Test is the culmination of my first two weeks of work, so I'm logging it now.  Oh, and it's my blog and I can do whatever I want.  You have to do each of eight (8) exercises for one minute and do as many reps as possible in that minute... with only about a minute to a minute-and-a-half rest in between each exercise.  Good news, I improved in just two weeks!  Doesn't look like much, but it feels like much... and I didn't puke up my breakfast afterwards.  Woo hoo! 
Day 15, Fit Test.  Getting a little stronger.


"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might..."
~ Ecclesiastes 9:10a ~

Monday, August 15, 2011

INSANITY, Week 1 - Puke and Toe Jam!

I just finished my first week of Team Beachbody's INSANITY fitness program (if you haven't heard of it, you might be familiar with their popular P90X program).  Anyway, as they suggest, I thought it would be helpful to put some brief thoughts on "paper" so I not only stay motivated, but also keep from forgetting where I was when I started INSANITY. I hope to look back and see not only a physical change, but a mentality change.
Shaun T and his crew.

I know the hardest part of doing anything is getting started.  I bought INSANITY over 4 months ago (March 2011).  At that time I had recently lost 25 lbs doing Weight Watchers (simply changing my diet; no exercise routine at all), and I was ready to start toning what was left.  I was down to 179 lbs from 204 lbs, which I know may not seem "fat" but the truth is simply that I was overweight and out of shape and wanted to do something about it before it ever got "out of hand."  Why workout with 25 more pounds on you than necessary, right?  Anyway, I kept running into "reasons" that I couldn't get started.  I was finding my life difficult to prioritize - you probably know the feeling.  I decided to wait to get started until after my softball season. Then, I broke my finger towards the end of the season (making an incredible catch, mind you) and didn't want to start the program while injured. I also didn't want anything interrupting my program, so I continued to put it off for reasons like healing, beach vacation and a week of Vacation Bible School at my church.  I finally saw a window of opportunity (but, in truth, just quit making excuses) and decided to go for it.  I committed to set my alarm for 5:30am daily and get in shape.  This is the next chapter in my transformation story.  It's called INSANITY, and here's how it's going so far...
Day 1 - Fit Test - It was time to find out what kind of foundation I had made for myself and I think I shocked my body.  15 minutes after I finished (keyword there: finished), I tried to eat some Kashi cereal (two bites) and I barfed.  Yup, three times, and bad puking posture made the first one hurt.  You really gotta hunch and open up the pipes, people.  Oy.  But I actually felt pretty good after that.  Felt like I must have pushed myself.
Day 2 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit - Okay, first actual workout. Whipped me, but I dug deeper and pushed through.  Not a cardio buff myself, but that's why I chose this program.  I reminded myself that it's important.
Day 3 - Cardio Power & Resistance - I did it! I hate having to rest, but I shouldn't expect to power through any of these DVDs, certainly not in the first week.  It's actually encouraging to see others on the DVD have to bail from the routine and get water/rest for a second.  It's okay as long as I jump right back in there and only rest if I MUST.  And hey, two straight days without puking!
Day 4 - Cardio Recovery - Sounds "easier" right?  It was defitinitely lighter cardio-wise, but there were still points at which I had to rest briefly.  I was thankful for the lighter workout, too, because I was feeling it from the first couple of days, especially in my calves.  It's a good kinda hurt, though. 
Day 5 - Pure Cardio - Wow. Let's just say I would've named it "I can't breath or feel my legs."
That Day 5 routine was TOUGH.  But I'm encouraged by Shaun T and some friends who've done this program to "dig deeper."  And the program has excited me to continue getting right back in there each day.  I'm actually surprised at my desire to go to bed early and get up early each morning to do this.  And I'm amazed at how quickly the body reacts to working out. I'm confident I'm getting stronger already.

"Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous — how well I know it."
~ Psalm 139:14 (NLT) ~

Day 6 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit (again) - It was 2:00am this past Friday morning, Day 6 of INSANITY looming, when my wife woke me up saying our little boy, Isaac, was calling from his room.  I said I'd check on him.  Now that I'm getting up in the dark every morning at 5:30am, I wouldn't have assumed this 2:00am trip would bode any differently.  I made my way around the bed and then... WHAM... OW!! What the?!!  A flip flop?!  Really?!  A flip flop?  I just stubbed and rolled my toe on a Crocs flip flop?  And it hurt that bad?  Well, the pain subsided pretty quickly or I was too tired to care, I checked on Isaac, let him come get in bed with us because it was the path of least resistance back to sleep until my 5:30 rendez-vous.
I had actually forgotten about the incident, as can happen when you feel like you were sleep-walking to begin with, until I started Day 6's warm-up.  I obviously had already put on my socks and shoes without paying much attention to my toe, but started feeling the soreness and throbbing during the routine and remembered the incident.  After the workout I took off my socks and shoes and discovered a red, purple, black and blue toe on my left foot. Ouch! And yuck!  
At least I didn't upload a picture of the puke.

Thankfully, it wasn't bad enough to interrupt my workout.  And maybe it was the workout that caused the discoloration.  I don't know, but I was glad to look on my calendar and see I had some extra healing time coming up... Sunday, which was... 

Day 7 - Rest Day - Just as God created and intended it, right?

"On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation."
~ Genesis 2:2-3 (NLT) ~
Must've known Cardio Power & Resistance awaited us on the eighth day!